

arte.math.make_xy module

arte.math.make_xy.make_xy(sampling, ratio, dtype=None, polar=False, vector=False, zero_sampled=False, quarter=False, fft=False)

Generates zero-centered domains in a cartesian plane.

Generates a zero-centered domain on a cartesian plane or axis, using cartesian or polar coordinates, tipically for pupil sampling and FFT usage.

Calling sequence:

x,y = make_xy(sampling, ratio)
r, theta = make_xy(sampling, ratio, polar=True)
  • sampling (int) – Number of sampling points per dimension of the domain, greater or equal to 2.

  • ratio (float) – Extension of sampled domain: -Ratio <= x [,y] <= +Ratio

  • polar (bool, optional) – If True, return domain sampling in polar coordinates. Default value is False (use cartesian coordinates)

  • dtype (np.dtype, optional) – If set, the result will have this dtype. Otherwise, it will be inferred by the dtype of sampling and ratio

  • vector (bool, optional) – If True, 1-dimensional domain is sampled instead of 2d. If polar is True, the value of vector is ignored.

  • zero_sampled (bool, optional) – If True, origin of the domain is sampled. This flag is useful to force the zero to be sampled when sampling is even. When sampling is odd, the zero is always sampled

  • quarter (bool, optional) – If True, only 1st quadrant is returned with (X>=0 AND Y>=0). The array returned has: * if Sampling is even: Sampling/2 X Sampling/2 elements * if Sampling is odd: (Sampling+1)/2 X (Sampling+1)/2 elements

  • fft (bool, optional) –

    If True, order the output values for FFT purposes. For example:

    • Sampling=4, Ratio=1 vector -3/4,-1/4,+1/4,+3/4:

      returned as +1/4,+3/4,-3/4,-1/4.

    • Sampling=4, Ratio=1, zero_sampled=True, vector -1,-1/2,0,+1/2:

      returned as 0,1/2,-1,-1/2

    • Sampling=5, Ratio=1 vector -4/5,-2/5,0,+2/5,+4/5:

      returned as 0,+2/5,+4/5,-4/5,-2/5


  • (X, Y) (tuple of numpy arrays) – with no special options, a 2-elements tuple with the X and Y values of sampled points

  • (R, Angle) (tuple of numpy arrays) – if polar is True, a 2-elements tuple with radial and angular values (in radians) of sampled points

  • X (numpy array) – if vector is True, numpy array with X values of sampled points.


ValueError – If the sampling parameter is lower than 2.



The concept is the following: considering an array of sampling x sampling pixels, the bottom-left corner of the bottom-left pixel has coordinates (-`ratio,-ratio) and the top-right cornet of the to-left pixel has coordinates (+`ratio`,+`ratio`). The procedure returns the coordinates of the centers of the pixels. When sampling is even and zero_sampled is True, the coordinates of the bottom-left corners of the pixels are returned.

  • sampling is even and zero_sampled is False: the edge of the domain is not sampled and the sampling is symmetrical respect to origin:

    Ex: Sampling=4, Ratio=1.
        -1   -0.5    0    0.5    1    Domain (Ex. X axis)
         |     |     |     |     |
            *     *     *     *       Sampling points
          -0.75 -0.25  0.25  0.75     Returned vector
  • sampling is even and zero_sampled is True: the lower edge is sampled and the sampling is not symmetrical respect to the origin:

    Ex: Sampling=4, Ratio=1.
         -1   -0.5    0    0.5    1    Domain (Ex. X axis)
          |     |     |     |     |
          *     *     *     *          Sampling points
         -1   -0.5    0    0.5         Returned vector
  • sampling is odd (zero_sampled is ignored): the zero is always sampled:

    Ex: Sampling=5, Ratio=1.
        -1   -3/5  -1/5   1/5   3/5    1    Domain (Ex. X axis)
         |     |     |     |     |     |
            *     *     *     *     *       Sampling points
          -4/5  -2/5    0    2/5   4/5      Returned vector
  • If fft is True, output values are ordered for FFT purposes:

    Ex: 2-dimensional domain: N = Sampling
    X or Y(0:N/2-1, 0:N/2-1)   1st quadrant (including origin
                               if ZERO_SAMPLEDis set)
    X or Y(N/2:N, 0:N/2-1)     2nd quadrant
    X or Y(N/2:N, N/2:N)       3rd quadrant
    X or Y(0:N/2-1, N/2:N)     2nd quadrant


Compute a tilt plane on a round pupil

>>> x, y = make_xy(256, 1.0)
>>> pupil = x*0
>>> pupil[(x*x + y*y)<=1] =1
>>> plt.imshow(pupil)

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